Lucio Gamboni, born in Naples, Italy on May 1, 1948, is one of four children. As a young man he traveled extensively, exploring such varied locales as Canada and the Bahamas, before finally reaching Miami, Florida where he began his pursuit of the American Dream. Lucio and Dorthy Gamboni fell in love with the mountains of WNC when they vacationed here in 1984. Living in Miami, they yearned for a quieter life where they could raise their daughters, Erika and Tanya. Lucio brought his love of food to this area, becoming a top destination for Italian cuisine in Western North Carolina. He and Dorothy started Lucio’s in 1984 and quickly established themselves as one of best places to eat in Franklin, NC, with region-wide notoriety soon to follow. The restaurant was truly a family affair with the girls helping out after school peeling garlic and making Lucio’s famous rolls.